Ok, I love movies (except for Jerry Bruckheimer productions), and I love talking movies. So where do I do most of this you might ask? Why at the Internet Movie Database message boards of course. I find these boards to be a wealth of information, as well as a place to vent about what I feel is bloated hollywood (this years academy awards) , with bloated stars (Jack Nicholson anyone?), and bloated contracts (Internet piracy cost movie studios an estimated 30 million dollars last year, exactly what Arnold Schwarzenegger got paid for Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines). So the other day I was complaining there about Oceans 13, because as most people have figured out,unlike the first Ocean's movie (which had some definite artistic flair), the sequels have turned into poor plots so rich Hollywood stars can get a free vacation.
Reportedly, George hosts huge, lavish boat parties during production for his friends. I have no problem with what these guys choose to do, but if the movie you produce from this is crap, I refuse to see it or promote it before it's release. I let my thoughts be know on this on the Oceans 13 board on Friday (transcript below)....
Here's how to sucker a studio into paying for a vacation for stars
by descentor 1 day ago (Fri Mar 9 2007 13:08:38)
Hi, I'm George Clooney. I've realized that if I invite a bunch of my Hollywood friends to star in a movie with no plot and have a competent film-cut-man at the helm (a.k.a. Steven Soderbergh) we can play cards, on yachts, in exotic locations, eat well, and generally mug for the camera and get paid. This is because idiots in America will goto see anything we tell them to. Oh trust me, we do some good things with the money, like produce trash vanity projects ( like Full Frontal, Bubble, and The Good German). So please watch Oceans Thirteen, because I'm using the left over cash from this one to produce an outer space version of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid starring myself and Brad Pitt. Oh, by the way, since I lost a bet with Matt Damon over how long Ben and JLo would stay together, I also have to pay for Bill O'Reilly's sex change. Go O13!!!!! Live It, Learn It, Read It, http://thetoxiclife.blogspot.com/
Now, this is just my humble opinion, but I've gotta love the responses that 3 people (sad morons) post back. Below is the first....
Re: Here's how to sucker a studio into paying for a vacation for stars
by angharad07 1 day ago (Fri Mar 9 2007 19:10:03)
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Wow. That was alarmingly unfunny. Even as sarcasm, it just failed. ----------- The House FAQ: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0412142/faq
Now, here's what is really unfunny, meet Angharad Baber (otherwise known as angharad07, and real-life inspiration behind It's Pat!!).
This coward run's a blog (which is quite unfunny) and quite sad called Lair of the Swamp Duck (yes, I'm serious, link is below). To make matters worse "it" doesn't even live in the United States, and has no idea why Hollywood and the film system in America is so disheartening. In Cardiff, Wales you have a much different film heirarchy, you should learn to appreciate it (that's not an attempt at sarcasm). In good spirit I went to "it's" blog, and left a message asking for a response for this piece. "It" in response changed the blog to not allow posting and wouldn't stand up for what "it" said.
After researching this first person, I figured the second poster would be somewhat more of a challenge....sadly no. Here is the second post...
Re: Here's how to sucker a studio into paying for a vacation for stars
by canucksrock 1 day ago (Sat Mar 10 2007 03:17:30)
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LOL this turd has his own site? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
LOL? What are we 12 years old and posting on one of those chat rooms monitored by Perverted Justice on To Catch A predator? Well, when you see Canucksrock's picture, you'll understand.
The respective captions on these, on his site, are "Give Me Some Tongue, LOL" and "I'm So Strong." There's that "LOL" again, we can't seem to escape it, but I guess its really "hip" among the 25 year old set in Canada (once again another person who lives in a country with a great film system, that they apparently choose not to enjoy), British Columbia, Vancouver Island,Victoria. Now when you call me a derrogatory name, "turd", that gives me free reign to examine your life as you describe it on the information superhighway. Canucksrock apparently has alot of penned up frustration against females (Mommy Issues). Lets read some quotes from his Nexopia bio and due to the possible language barrier I'll translate below each quote...
"-I'd rather a girl tell me she jus' wants to screw around than her lie and say she wants more..-"
That means she left him for another guy.
"I'm quite sick of scandalous bitches!!-I'm pretty stupid/gullible, I must say, but usually jus' when it comes to girls...-"
That means she left him for his best friend and he cried.
"I am sweet, sincere/honest, caring, loyal, outgoing, open, spontaneous, fun to be with, and just plain nice:) I can cook and bake"
That means he wants to come out of the closet in the next 6 months.
-Girls who say anything and do anything to to someone, to get whoever(else)and whatever they want
That means he's still a virgin (at least of the hetero kind)
I dislike
And he's 25? Can you say straight-edge!
-Stupid illiterate people who say crap like: "ur", "your" when they mean "you're"-Losers who are uglier than me and vote 1's. How's anyone a 1 anyways?
Not stupid illiterate boys who say "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL", and what gives you the right to call anyone ugly?
-Scandalous girls, IE;Tirebiters, gold diggers, cheaters, and girls who say the same stuff to EVERY guy they talk to.
Ok this anti-female rhetoric goes on and on. But, our friend Canucksrock belongs to no less than 14 on-line dating style services including:
The last of which is a charming alternative lifestyle site. Here's a look at their intro page:
Re: Here's how to sucker a studio into paying for a vacation for stars
by meet_the_fozzi 1 day ago (Sat Mar 10 2007 02:44:27)
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Ha..ha..ha! This is the worst thing that i ever read on imdb board. Whatever!
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Err...you have the wrong person. I've never gone by the username angharad07 and I've never posted on imdb. No idea what this post is on about and I don't remember any comment from you on my blog.
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